The Conjuring 2 is a 2016 American supernatural horror film directed by James Wan and written by Carey Hayes, Chad Hayes, Wan and David Leslie Johnson. It is the sequel to the 2013 film The Conjuring, with Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga reprising their roles as paranormal investigators and authors Ed and Lorraine Warren. The film follows the Warrens as they travel to the United Kingdom to assist the Hodgson family, who are experiencing poltergeist activity at their Enfield council house in 1977.
The Conjuring 2 was released in the United States on June 10, 2016. The film received generally positive reviews from critics and has grossed over $101 million worldwide.
The film begins with paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren documenting the Amityville murders, to determine if a demonic presence was truly responsible for Ronald DeFeo Jr. mass murdering his family on November 13, 1974. During a seance, Lorraine is drawn into a vision where she relives the murders, but then discovers a demonic nun figure, as well as seeing Ed getting killed after being impaled. Ed struggles but eventually breaks Lorraine's vision from the experience.
In 1977, in London, England, the Hodgson family begins to discover strange occurrences within their home. Janet, the youngest daughter, is seen sleepwalking and conversing in her dreams as two different people. Eventually, all siblings of the house and their mother Peggy witness paranormal events occurring right before their eyes, forcing them to seek assistance. When the media attempts to interview the Hodgsons, Janet is possessed by the spirit of Bill Wilkins, an older man who previously lived and died in the house, and who wants to claim his territory. As Janet begins to show more signs of demonic possession, the story eventually reaches the Warrens, who are requested to assist the local Church in the investigation. Lorraine, in fear of her vision of Ed's death becoming reality, warns him not to get too involved in the case, and reluctantly agrees to travel to London.
While staying at the Hodgson residence, Ed and Lorraine consult with other paranormal investigators, including Maurice Grosse and Anita Gregory, on the legitimacy of the case. They also attempt to communicate with Wilkins' spirit, hoping to talk him out of harassing the family. One night, after the Hodgsons witness Janet being possessed, Gregory presents video evidence of Janet purposely wrecking the kitchen as if for a prank. Ed and Lorraine are then convinced to leave the family on their own, but soon they discover that the spirit of Wilkins is only a pawn, being manipulated to haunt Janet, while the true mastermind is the demonic spirit that has been haunting Lorraine in her visions.
Ed and Lorraine return to the Hodgson residence, only to find Janet being possessed once more and the rest of the Hodgsons locked outside the house. A lightning strike hits a tree near the house, leaving a jagged stump resembling the object that impaled Ed in Lorraine's vision. Ed ventures inside the house alone, and finds Janet standing near the window, ready to leap onto the stump and commit suicide. He manages to grab Janet in time, but finds himself holding onto a curtain that is being torn from its rings by his and Janet's weight. Lorraine remembers that she wrote the demon's name – Valak – in her Bible during her Amityville vision. She enters the house and confronts Valak, addressing it by name and successfully condemning it back to Hell. Janet is freed of her possession, and Lorraine pulls her and Ed to safety.
A text epilogue reveals that Peggy lived the rest of her life in that house and died in 2003, sitting in the same chair in which Wilkins had died 40 years earlier. Upon returning home, Ed adds an item to his and Lorraine's collection – "The Crooked Man" zoetrope toy owned by Peggy's youngest child near April's Music Box and the Annabelle doll – and the couple dance to "Can't Help Falling in Love" by Elvis Presley.
During the credits, a real life recording of Janet possessed by Bill Wilkins is played over credits while showing pictures of the real life Warren and Hodgson families.
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